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Keynote Speakers

Ryan Burge 

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Ryan P. Burge is an assistant professor of political science and the graduate coordinator at Eastern Illinois University. He teaches in a variety of areas, including American institutions, political behavior, and research methods. His research focuses largely on the intersection between religiosity and political behavior, especially in the American context.
Sheep in Open Fields

Prone to Wander

Choose from seven available workshop sessions on Saturday afternoon. 

How ABHMS Serves You

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Haggray

ABHMS Executive Director Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Haggray will highlight the many ministries of ABHMS and how they serve the local church.

Understanding Religious Nones

Kevin "Kev" Grane 

Kevin Grane, a PhD candidate in the joint doctoral program at the University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology, will share his expertise on understanding religious "nones" in our culture. He will offer insights on how the church can engage with and compassionately support this growing group.

Intergenerational Church

Rev. Lauren Parliament 

Join in on a session sharing strategies to foster meaningful relationships between generations, allowing each generation to bring something unique to their faith community.

Crisis Counseling Across Generations

Rev. Dr. Jan McCormack

Explore tailored counseling interventions for different age groups, enhancing your ability to support individuals effectively during times of crisis.

A Modern Framework for ABCRM's Future

Rev. Dr. Steve Van Ostran 

Hear from ABCRM's Executive Minister to discuss the Proposed Bylaws and their implications for ABCRM. A Q&A session will follow his presentation for you to ask any questions you may have.

The Land, The Place, the People

Rev. Clint Walker

Explore the unique ministry context in out-of-the-way places with Rev. Clint Walker. Together, we will examine the biblical foundations of small-town ministry and discuss helpful ministry practices and habits of personal spiritual transformation as leaders within the communities we serve.

Know and Love your Neighbors

Samantha Rhodes and Mike Oldham 

How well do you know your neighbors? Mission InSite is a demographics tool designed to help you better understand and connect with your neighbors. Samantha Rhodes and Mike Oldham will introduce different aspects of Mission InSite through practical examples.

Hills and Valleys

Meet IM Global Servants 

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