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Honoring Jesus with an Award of Excellence and a Standing Ovation!

And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” John 12:32 NIV

Jesus had a profound effect on society when he was on earth and still does today. Like many of us he had his share of problems. Regardless of the miracles he performed, the parables he taught and the people he loved, many didn’t desire to follow him or believe him. Lifting Jesus up often seems to be a load too heavy for some to take on. Jesus told us that if we would lift him up he would do the drawing. Have we lost faith in that drawing power or the words of Jesus? Let’s appreciate the things he suffered on our behalf, express our deepest gratitude for bearing our punishment and lift him up.

Most of us enjoy being honored or being the recipient of an award. On Friday, March 3, 2017, The Educational Center of Denver held its Eight Annual Excellence in Education Awards Banquet at the Double Tree Hotel Grand Ballroom in Denver. I was the recipient of the Community Educator Leader of the Year Award and with it came a letter from Senator Michael F. Bennett of Colorado. The next morning on a plane to Atlanta I was thinking of the different awards given that night and realized that Jesus could have been the recipient of ALL of them!

Then I thought, when was the last time I really honored Jesus for who he is and what he does? When was the last time our church, Faith Community Baptist, or ABCRM honored Jesus in a special way? What banquet have we given in His honor? Tears came to my eyes as I said to myself, “I haven’t and we haven’t!”

On Sunday, March 26, 2017, Faith Community Baptist Church honored Jesus with an award of Excellence and a standing ovation!!! Will YOU share this Honor of Excellence to Jesus with a standing ovation?

The American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains Region

Presents this award of Excellence to

Jesus Christ

We recognized that apart from you we could do nothing. We honor you for your work and presence in this Region since its inception. You have demonstrated outstanding leadership and achievement in the life of this Region. You have given when we didn’t deserve it. You supported us when we didn’t support you. You lifted us up to higher places when we didn’t lift you. You healed us, gave us grace, mercy, wisdom, guidance, discernment and financial blessings. You have forgiven us when we didn’t forgive ourselves and others. You made a way when we doubted. You kept the faith when we wanted to give up. You prospered us in times that seemed impossible to us. Thanks for continuing to work with us.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Rev. Kay Farley, Co-Pastor

Faith Community Baptist Church

Denver, CO

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