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A Perpetual Petition with Power and Promise

“Give us day by day our daily bread”, (Lk. 11:3) (NKJV)

One day after Jesus finished praying, one of His disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray. In the third verse of His lesson on prayer, with these words, “Give us day by day our daily bread”, Jesus taught His disciples that they needed to live each day with “Divine Dependency” on God the Father. The Lord knew that if his disciples were to faithfully follow His teachings they would have to come to know that they had a “privileged relationship with the Father” that would allow them to experience His “Power and Presence” in their lives in every way they had need on a continual basis.

Because they were in Christ:

  • God would hear their prayers every time they bowed before His Holy presence and meet them at the depth and point of their needs: (Eph. 3:20);

  • Their prayers were heard in the sanctuary of God’s presence and the Father would dispense His power as they had need: (Rom. 5:2; Eph. 2:18);

  • Their prayers were certified by Him who is “The Hope of Glory”: (Jn. 15:7);

  • They had “Heirs Rights before the Father’s face” and the Father’s love would answer their petitions (Rom. 8:18);

  • 6:33 says, “When we are in Christ and we are striving to live for the Lord, God make us a promise, to meet us where we have need in our living-both in body and spirit;

  • Scripture declares that because we are in Christ, the Father invites believers into His holy presence every day that He might meet our every need.

The “Promise of God’s power and presence” is yet available each day to all who claim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and seek to follow Him. (Amen.)



Almighty God and Father, in the midst of our struggles with life and faith as we seek to walk after our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, call to our remembrance each day that we have access to Your Holy presence and power in all the places we have need. In Jesus name we pray. (Amen.)

Rev. Larron D. Jackson, DMin

Ministry and Mission Coach

Denver Cluster

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