Finding Victory in Waiting on God
“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not get weary, they shall walk and not faint” Isa. 40:31 (NKJV)
As we journey forward into a New Year we often do so with concerns in our heart, mind and spirit. We want to know what is set before us as the year unfolds. We want answers to the unknown. There are issues and concerns we hope we will not have to face in the coming year. There are other things that we hope will come into being as they manifest fruit of answered prayer. Both possibilities can create anxiety as we are called to face the unknown as we advance into a new stage of life and faith.

In Isaiah chapter 40, God is bringing Israel to a new stage of life and faith. Because of their lack of faith and disobedience, they had experienced exile and spiritual separation from God. God told Isaiah to tell Israel the “good news” that their exile was ending and that He was inviting them back into His divine care. In Isaiah 40:25-31, God calls Israel to remember who He is as “The Sovereign Creator and Power” in all of heaven and earth. And even more, that He is the faithful God who loves them. (That may be helpful for all believers to remember from time to time as we strive to live into our relationship with the true and living God.)
In verse 31, when Isaiah writes, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength”, he is telling Israel how they can continuously experience God’s power and presence in their lives, even as they encounter the trials of life and faith as they walk according to His word. Isaiah is not calling Israel to a place of idleness where they do nothing while waiting on God to take care of their every need and answer their every prayer. To the contrary, Isaiah is calling Israel to dare to live into their faith in God regardless of the issues of life and faith that they shall encounter as they strive to walk faithfully with Him. Isaiah tells Israel, as they “wait on the Lord”, go forward in faith. God says to Israel, “In the face of fear go forward. Remember the God who has never failed! I am your God!” In order to “Find Victory in Waiting on God”, we must go forward in life and faith and trust God to meet us wherever God is calling us to. As we go forward in life and faith, and trusting God, God will continuously make real His power and presence in the face of every trial that we shall encounter. That was God’s promise to Israel! That is also God’s promise to every soul that claims Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their life. (Read: Matt. 28:20 and Hebr. 13:5-6)
Prayer: Almighty God, as we approach Your holy presence in times of trials and uncertainty in our lives, call forth in us the courage and strength to “wait on You”, to hold fast to our faith in You, knowing that You will continuously meet each of us in all the places that we have need of Your divine visitation and strength. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Rev. Larron D. Jackson, DMin
Ministry and Mission Coach
Denver Cluster